Dining + Daring Greatly in the Desert


For the past three days, I was on an adventure in Joshua Tree National Park, the ultimate desert getaway if you enjoy climbing rocks and plenty o’sunshine. Most of the trip consisted of clambering up steep boulders and scaling rocks the size of seven-story buildings. My camping partner and I didn’t use rope or any sort of gear — we dared greatly, or perhaps, were incredibly foolish; nevertheless, we conquered every rock we set our eye on.

After a packed day of venturesome escapades and heart-racing moments, it was only appropriate that we dined like champions at the end of the day.  Need ideas for your own celebratory meal? I recommend Proscuito-Wrapped Asparagus, plenty of steak, and a bottle or two of merlot. I also recommend grilled salmon and using the leftovers for a tasty salmon and cilantro sandwich on artisan cheddar cheese bread.

